Monday 8th April saw 120 people attend the launch event for the London Cycling Campaign’s Policy Forum seminar series. The series is open to the public, and seminars will take place regularly in Central London. More information here. At the launch event, London Cycling Commissioner Andrew Gilligan spoke on the next steps for cycling policy in London, with Danny Williams of Cyclists in the City fame chairing a lively Q&A afterwards.
You can access an iTunes/M4A (20MB) version of the talk here, or an MP3 (30MB) version here. Both files are 1hr 25 minutes.
Something has to be done to reduce car pollution and this is a small step but perhaps in the right direction. Someone needs to sort out a cost-effective public transport system to deal with the increase in passengers or we will become more polluted. The following article nicely articulates … the problem that we may already have!