5th March: presenting with my colleague Georgios Kapousizis on our work on cycling injury risk at the Road Safety Analysts conference
6th March: Propensity to Cycle Tool training workshops
12th March: presenting on gender and cycling for a Sustrans stakeholder workshop event in Edinburgh
15th March: presenting on research impact and stakeholder engagement to a day conference at Cardiff University
16th March: presenting on transport and equity for Labour Cycles national active travel summit, in London
21st-22nd March: presenting in Brussels on infrastructural interventions & active travel uptake (at an event as part of the lead up to European Mobility Week)
26th March: presenting at an afternoon event organised by my colleagues at Westminster in Social Sciences on sustainable transport governance
27th March: presenting a history of cycling policy for DfT’s internal seminar series
4th April: Propensity to Cycle Tool training workshops
10th April: presenting at Transport Scotland event in Edinburgh (Vulnerable Road Users expert workshop)
16th April: Maidstone Cycle Campaign forum event
13th May: invited speaker at the National Cycling Congress in Dresden, Germany (on near miss research)
Late May-early June: various research events in Mexico City TBC
Upcoming talks: March-May
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