One of my regular short posts listing some upcoming talks. Bit of a general impact theme over the next month or two, but still some specific cycling events including on a bit of new Stats19 analysis I’ve done for the LCC in Hackney.
Saturday February 25th – London: Bike City? Part of the LSE Literary Festival, with Emily Chappell, Michael Hutchinson, and James Spackman.
Tuesday February 28th – Talk to ESRC all-staff event about social science research making a difference.
Wednesday March 1st – Talk on Stats19 data, covering injury, risk and hit-and-runs in London and in Hackney, to the London Cycling Campaign in Hackney.
Thursday March 2nd – seminar for the LSE Methodology Institute on research methods and research impact.
Thursday March 9th – talk at the Westminster Higher Education Forum event ‘Using the UK research base to support evidence-based policymaking‘.
Tuesday March 14th – demonstrating the Propensity to Cycle Tool to the Act Travelwise London and SouthEast meeting.
… and in April a keynote at the World Bicycle Forum in Mexico City!