
Picture of RachelI’m Rachel Aldred, Professor of Transport at the University of Westminster, and Director of the Active Travel Academy. I also teach on Westminster’s MSc Transport Planning and Management. In 2012 I set up this site to bring together my various academic/research/policy interests.

I have stopped updating it - see a range of active travel related stuff from me and colleagues on the Active Travel Academy website.

Please click on the various tabs to find out about some of the projects, publications, and events that I’ve been involved in. You can follow me on Twitter at @RachelAldred and follow the ATA at @Active_ATA.

In 2016 I was awarded the ESRC Outstanding Impact in Public Policy Prize and the first annual Westminster University Prize for Research Excellence. One research project (Near Miss Project) was awarded Cycling Initiative of the Year 2015 by Total Women’s Cycling, while another (the Propensity to Cycle Tool) was in 2019 awarded the Transtech Open Data Award.

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