
Not an exhaustive list, but regularly updated. Please also see my publications page at Westminster.
There should generally be links below to author versions where papers aren’t open access (I prefer to publish OA, but have limited OA funding so can’t always) – please feel free to email me if you want to read a paper and can’t find a free link below.

London’s Two Wheeled Revolution – a video production of Forum Vies Mobiles, also available here.

Selected journal articles
Aldred, R., Woodcock, J. and Goodman, A. 2021 Major investment in active travel in Outer London: impacts on travel behaviour, physical activity, and healthJournal of Transport and Health.
Laverty, A., Aldred, R. and Goodman, A. 2021. “The Impact of Introducing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Road Traffic Injuries.” Findings, January.
Adams, T. and Aldred, R. 2020. Cycling Injury Risk in London: impacts of road characteristics and infrastructure. Findings, December.
Goodman, A., Urban, S. and Aldred, R. 2020. “The Impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Other Active Travel Interventions on Vehicle Ownership: Findings from the Outer London Mini-Holland Programme.” Findings, December.
Aldred, R., and Goodman, A. 2020. “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, Car Use, and Active Travel: Evidence from the People and Places Survey of Outer London Active Travel Interventions.” Findings, September.
Aldred, R., Johnson, R., Jackson, C. and Woodcock, J. 2021. How does mode of travel affect risks posed to other road users? An analysis of English road fatality data, incorporating gender and road type. Injury Prevention.
R Aldred, S García-Herrero, E Anaya, S Herrera, MÁ Mariscal (2020) Cyclist injury severity in Spain: a Bayesian analysis of police road injury data focusing on involved vehicles and route environment (open access), International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (1), 96
R Aldred (2020) Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion (open access), Current environmental health reports 6 (4), 309-315
Rachel Aldred (2019) Who caused that congestion? Narrating driving and cycling in a changing policy context,
Travel Behaviour and Society 16, 59-69. Published version here; accepted author version (very similar) here.
Rachel Aldred and Joseph Croft (2019) Evaluating active travel and health economic impacts of small streetscape schemes: An exploratory study in London, Journal of Transport & Health 12, pp.86-96. Published version here (access-controlled) and accepted author version (very similar) here for free.
Rachel Aldred, Joseph Croft and Anna Goodman (2018) Impacts of an active travel intervention with a cycling focus in a suburban context: One-year findings from an evaluation of London’s in-progress mini-Hollands programme, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Open Access, available here.
Anna Goodman and Rachel Aldred, 2018, Inequalities in utility and leisure cycling in England, and variation by local cycling prevalence, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 56, 381–391, free access here until July 18 2018. Accepted author version here.
Rachel Aldred, 2018, Inequalities in self-report road injury risk in Britain: A new analysis of National Travel Survey data, focusing on pedestrian injuries, Journal of Transport & Health, Open Access, available here.
Rachel Aldred, 2018, Motor traffic on urban minor and major roads: impacts on pedestrian and cyclist injuries, Municipal Engineer, Open Access, available here.
Rachel Aldred, Anna Goodman, John Gulliver, and James Woodcock (2018) Cycling injury risk in London: A case-control study exploring the impact of cycle volumes, motor vehicle volumes, and road characteristics including speed limits, Accident Analysis & Prevention 117, pp. 75–84, Open Access, available here.
Neil Andrews, Isabelle Clement, and Rachel Aldred (2018) Invisible cyclists? Disabled people and cycle planning – A case study of London, Journal of Transport and Health, 8, 146-156, available here. Accepted author version here.
Rachel Aldred, Tom Watson, Robin Lovelace and James Woodcock (2017) Barriers to investing in cycling: Stakeholder views from England, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, open access
Rachel Aldred, Rahul Goel, James Woodcock and Anna Goodman (2017) Contextualising Safety in Numbers: a longitudinal investigation into change in cycling safety in Britain, 1991–2001 and 2001–2011, Injury Prevention, injuryprev-2017-042498, open access
Rachel Aldred and Anna Goodman (2017) Predictors of the frequency and subjective experience of cycling near misses: Findings from the first two years of the UK Near Miss Project, Accident Analysis & Prevention, published version here (access-controlled), accepted author version here.
Rachel Aldred, Luke Best and Phil Jones (2017) Cyclists in shared bus lanes: could there be unrecognised impacts on bus journey times? Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, open access
Rachel Aldred and John Dales (2017) Diversifying and normalising cycling in London, UK: An exploratory study on the influence of infrastructure, Journal of Transport and Health (access-controlled); author version here
Rachel Aldred, Bridget Elliott, James Woodcock and Anna Goodman (2017) Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age, Transport Reviews (open access)
Rachel Aldred (2016) Cycling near misses: Their frequency, impact, and prevention, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 90, 69–83 (open access)
Alex Macmillan, Alex Roberts, James Woodcock, Rachel Aldred and Anna Goodman (2016) Trends in local newspaper reporting of London cyclist fatalities 1992-2012: the role of the media in shaping the systems dynamics of cycling, Accident Analysis & Prevention 86, 137-145 (open access)
Rachel Aldred and Sian Crosweller (2015) Investigating the rates and impacts of near misses and related incidents among UK cyclists, Journal of Transport and Health – available open access here.
Rachel Aldred and James Woodcock (2015) Reframing Safety: An analysis of perceptions of cycle safety clothing. Journal of Transport Policy. Journal version here, Accepted Author Version here.
Rachel Aldred, James Woodcock, and Anna Goodman (2015) Does More Cycling Mean More Diversity in Cycling? Transport Reviews, open access, available here.
Rachel Aldred (2015) Adults’ attitudes towards child cycling: a study of the impact of infrastructure. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, available here.
Rachel Aldred (2014) A Matter of Utility? Rationalising Cycling, Cycling Rationalities. Mobilities. Author version here; published version here.
Rachel Aldred and Katrina Jungnickel (2014) Why Culture Matters for Transport Policy: the case of cycling in the UK. Journal of Transport Geography. Published version here (access-controlled); accepted author version available here.
Rachel Aldred and Katrina Jungnickel (2013) Matter in or out of place? Bicycle parking strategies and their effects on people, practices and places, Social & Cultural Geography, published version here (access-controlled); author version here.
Katrina Jungnickel and Rachel Aldred (2013) Cycling’s Sensory Strategies: How Cyclists Mediate their Exposure to the Urban Environment. Mobilities journal; publisher’s version here; freely available version available here.
Rachel Aldred (2013) Who are ‘Londoners on Bikes’ and what do they want? Negotiating identity and issue definition in a ‘pop-up’ cycle campaign, Journal of Transport Geography (special section on Cycling and Society). Publisher’s version here (access controlled – I can email copy if required) and slightly earlier but very similar author version here.
Rachel Aldred (2013) Incompetent, or Too Competent? Negotiating Everyday Cycling Identities in a Motor Dominated Society. Mobilities 8(2) pp. 252-271. Author version here.
Rachel Aldred (2012) Governing Transport from Welfare State to Hollow State: the case of cycling in the UK. Published, Journal of Transport Policy 23: 95–102. Author version here.
Rachel Aldred and Katrina Jungnickel (2012) Constructing mobile places between ‘leisure’ and ‘transport’: a case study of two group cycle rides. Sociology, published.
Rachel Aldred and Daniela Tepe (2011) Framing Scrappage in the UK: from climate discourse to recession talk? Journal of Transport Geography 19(6): 1563-1569.
Rachel Aldred (2011) Editorial Introduction. Critical Social Policy themed issue on Social Justice, Social Policy, and the Environment, 31 (2): 171-173
Rachel Aldred (2011) From community participation to organizational therapy? World Café and Appreciative Inquiry as research methods. Community Development Journal, 46 (1): 57-71.
Rachel Aldred (2010) “On the outside”? Constructing cycling citizenship. Social and Cultural Geography 11(1): 35-52. Author version here.
James Woodcock and Rachel Aldred (2009) The Cowardly Cyborg. [think piece] BMJ 338:522
Rachel Aldred and James Woodcock (2008) Transport: challenging disabling environments. 2008, Local Environment, 13(6): 485-496.
James Woodcock and Rachel Aldred (2008) Cars, corporations, and commodities: consequences for the social determinants of health. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 5 (4) (online).
Rachel Aldred (2008) Ethical and political issues in contemporary research relationships. 2008, Sociology, 42(5): 887-903.

Book chapters
Rachel Aldred. 2016. Stakeholders, Politics and the Media. In Edward Elgar Handbook of Transport and Urban Planning in the Developed World, edited by Michiel C.J. Bliemer, Corinne Mulley and Claudine Moutou. Author version here.
Rachel Aldred. The New Mobilities Paradigm and Sustainable Transport: Finding Synergies and Creating New Methods. In Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change, ed. Lockie et al (2014).
Rachel Aldred. The Commute, in Routledge Handbook of Mobilities, ed. Peter Adey et al (2013).
Rachel Aldred. The role of advocacy and activism in shaping cycling policy and politics, Cycling and Sustainability (Emerald, Bingley, 2012, ed. John Parkin).

Co-author of reports for the climate change charity Possible, including (i) the potential for switching from public transport to either car or active travel, in response to Covid-19, (ii) the amount of parks and car parking space available in London, Paris, and New York, (iii) the amount and distribution of new London low traffic neighbourhoods and (iv) School Streets.
Author of Road Injuries in the National Travel Survey: Under-reporting and Inequalities in Injury Risk (2018)
Author of The Near Miss Project: First Year Report (2015).
Author of Benefits of Investing in Cycling, for British Cycling, September 2014.
Co-author of Green and Healthy Jobs in Transport: Launching a new partnership under THE PEP. Geneva: World Health Organization (2011).
Co-author of Cycling Policy in the UK: a historical and thematic overview. 2011. (London: University of East London)
Co-author of Transitions: becoming a Cyclist and Cycle Trainer in London. 2011. (London: University of East London)
Cycling Cultures: final report, 2012 (London: University of East London)

Other publications
Includes various short articles in Society Now, London Cyclist, Mobility magazine, Red Pepper, etc.

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